
My brother Peter and his wife Heather had their first child, a girl, on September 9th, 2005. She is the first grandchild for my parents, as well as for Heather's, and my first neice. One of the mysteries surrounding Hailey's birth was her name. Pete and Heather decided to tell everyone it was a girl, but they wouldn't reveal her name, which made her coming even more of an anticipated event because we would finally be able to meet her and for the first time have a name for her. Heather was induced the morning of the 9th, and I'm at work in Georgia, making it minute by minute on the promise that I would receive a phone call the minute she was born- yeah, right! I know I'll make such promises, but in reality, with all of the excitement in the room, who would ever think of leaving to call out!

So, Hailey was born a little after noon, and I called my mom's cell around 1:30 and all she said was- you have to talk to Pete. He got on and announced her arrival, and of course my first question was- what's her name???? Hailey Ruth was born with pronounced leg muscles (she worked out on Heather's rib cage) and the ability to roll from her back to a fetal position on her side. By the time I went to see her, one month later (which these pictures are from) she enjoyed spending several minutes per day on her back holding her head up. I think she will be an early crawler and probably an early walker. She is a beautiful girl, and sort of resembles my brother, which is always amazing to me. She has his big blue eyes.

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