Squirrel Thief
So this squirrel climbed the side of my house to get to my birdfeeder today. Out the kitchen window I saw him hanging upsidedown from the hanger so that he could get his whole little nose into the feeder. So, instead of scaring him away I ran for my camera. However, when I stuck my head out the door he lept to the deck railing and ran away. I thought this was a cool picture of his speed in motion. I've chased him away before and he reminds me of that first chase scene in the new James Bond because he bounds from the feeder to the ground, to the bench, to the railing, to a tree. But I'm not stupid enough to follow.
Update on Charles...I spoke to Charles on Monday when he arrived at the Jungle villa where the retreat was to begin. These are pictures from the website: junglevilla.com. They apparently had a really hairy drive up the coast, on a half paved, half dirt road. In the middle of one of the paved sections the road had washed out, so a narrow one lane bridge was buit there. So Charles said you're driving like 60 mph and all of a sudden the road disappears. He said 9 people had died there since New Years.
He called this afternoon and said that he's been getting up at 5am, walking 20minutes to the ocean, surfing an hour and then hiking back up to the villa. Tuesday they went zip lining from platform to platform in the rain forest, Wednesday they went sea kayaking, and today they went river rafting, and swam at the foot of a waterfall. He found some locals who are going to take him mountain biking on Saturday. Sounds like he's having a really rough time down there in paradise.
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