Two Months Old

Well, it's hard to believe, but Leif is 2 months old already! We took him in for his 2 month appointment and he weighs 15 lbs 6 oz, and is 25 inches long. He's doing lots of great baby things these days. He smiles and coos and is very playful right after he's eaten. I have to shoot video while I change his diaper one of these days- he's downright funny. We blow his belly and kiss his cheeks and he laughs and looks at us with his great bright eyes.
Yesterday when I was changing him he was doing his regular "ahhs" and "oos" and all of a sudden he says "hi", in a kind of singsong way. I look down at him and he did it again- and then went back to his regular noises. Charles asked if that could count as his first word, and I said, sure, why not, even though he probably won't say it again for a while. He's also getting his "l's" down- the other day he was crying and instead of his regular "waaa" or "aaaah", he was going "laah, laahhh". It was very cute.
He also seems very determined to suck his hand or fingers or thumb. He will spend a lot of time when he's getting sleepy trying to get something to stay in his mouth. It's very cute. We've even tried to help him get a hold on his thumb, but he doesn't get that we're helping and pushes against us.

He got his immunizations on Tuesday and has pretty much needed tylenol since then. At first it was because he seemed very uncomfortable and was crying uncontrollably, but then last night I let it wear off and he was running a fever. This afternoon he felt warm to me as well (we were out without a thermometer) so I gave him some more because I was pretty sure he had a little fever. Hopefully by tomorrow the symptoms should all fade away. It's been sad to see him not feeling himself.
I took these sleeping pictures this past Monday, and not without incident. Our carpet and the blanket he was laying on got peed on, and so did my leg, and Leif's chest. That ended the little sleeping-naked photo session. I didn't get any full body shots that I liked, so we will attempt the dangerous feat at least one more time soon. He's got so many great rolls to show off.
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