Tape Trauma

I guess while doing construction in the house we really should keep the bunny confined a little more for his own safety. It’s sort of tempting to watch what he’ll do with the things he finds- he picks up and moves the dust pan, gnaws the wooden screw driver, climbs through the stairs and comes sliding out of the bottom, etc.
Well, today he found himself a nice big piece of masking tape that apparently wasn’t stuck down very well. He probably was chewing on it, because he likes tape, and it somehow flipped over and stuck to his chest. I guess he tried to get it off because he must have rubbed his chest on the ground or something because when I found him, it was stuck down really well. The edges were even folded over on themselves.
So, I held him while my father in law gently and patiently pulled fur from tape. Gordy twitched pretty badly at the beginning and ripped out a chunk, but after that he didn’t move. He just let us cut and pull until it was over. I guess he figured out that we were helping him. It was very sad. Afterwards he had all tape glue stuck in his fur, but at that point he just lay down and let me cut it out. It was like he just gave up fighting us so that we could help him. He got a lot of raisins for that one and seemed to sleep more today that usual. I guess it wore him out.
Unfortunately, I don’t think bunnies learn from their mistakes, so as Charles says, if you gave him another piece of tape, he’d do it all over again.
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