Dupont Forest Bike Trip

Charles had Thursday and Friday off this week, so we drove to North Carolina to go biking. Unfortunately, living in 80 degree sunny Atlanta, we forgot to check the weather report. So, we crossed the NC border mid afternoon Thursday and the skies opened up their fury on us. Tempted to turn and drive home in defeat, we decided we would just bike in the rain. That was until we reached the park and opened the doors and discovered that it was about 40 degrees. Hmm, mountains do that sometimes, don't they? Anyway, we had only packed tank tops and shorts to ride in, and Charles didn't even pack pants for the trip, so we found a local bike shop and spent money we don't have on winter biking gear.
So, we went out to dinner in our warm bike gear, since we didn't have anything else warm enough and stayed in a hotel praying that the weather would warm and clear for Friday.

Friday dawned cold and gloomy, but no rain, so we ventured our ride in our new warm gear. Very out of character, I begged

At this overlook, you could see out almost in all directions.
After going up to the slick rock and down the other side, we had to do a stream crossing. Here’s me trying to will myself

We did another climb which took us to a lookout high above Bridal Veil Falls, and then rode the decent and ate lunch at the foot of the falls.

Near the falls was a stable with horses.

The way back was all single track in the woods- fun fast ups and downs. Overall, we rode from about 10am-4pm, and then drove 3 1/2 hours home. Saturday morning I hosted a brunch so by that afternoon I felt like I had been run over by a truck.
I love your blog and seeing your wonderful photographs. The picture of the horses looks like a postcard. Actually, they all did. Well, maybe I should say Quality postcards!
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