We returned from Steamboat Friday evening, and left for North Carolina's Outer Banks Saturday evening. Charles' parents, his brother and sister in law and their boys invited us to join them for a week at the beach. Andy and Sammy are 7 and 4, and all boy. When we arrived they ran around the house, almost too excited to give us the tour they were trying to take us on. They ran, they swam, they jumped, they wrestled, and in between, they were bored.

The week was beautiful, and for me, pretty relaxing. I could go to the beach if I felt up to it, or I could stay back at the house and read. I often climbed up to the widow's walk and laid in the sun and breeze reading. Charles and Jo

n got up every morning and surfed together. Charles and I agreed that I wouldn't surf (although I might have if the waves had been really small) because I almost always end up with a concussion or a black eye, and we decided to keep me safe this summer since my body's already busy with the baby. The waves were "epic" nearly every morning, and so intense that Charles actually injured himself twice, but of course kept surfing. Sorry no surfing pictures. Pregnant photographers just don't work at 6 am.

We celebrated Sammy's 4th birthday while we were there, and Susan had the idea to eat his birthday cake on the beach. So while she prepared it, we all went for a walk down the beach. Sammy ran ahead and in the distance he cried out "look a hole". In an instant he had jumped and disappeared. We all expected him to climb out at any moment, but he didn't. When we finally reached him

, he was beaming up at us from the bottom of a narrow 10 foot hole. Jon climbed down a little and dragged

him out warning Andy (who listened) not to jump down into it. Sammy of course, elated from the whole event, turns right around and jumps back in. Poor Andy was so upset that he listened and therefore missed out on the fun, Jon let him jump in once before he and Charles filled the hole up, until it was about a 4 foot hole and let the boys jump in over and over and over and over.

Ocracoke Lighthouse, the oldest active lighthouse in North Carolina.
Great family photo! I wish you would post your photos a little larger, though!
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