Dawn Dorathy

Strength For Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Friday, April 27, 2007

Yellow River Game Park

For my first week back into heavy wedding season, I did a lot of playing. We went mountain biking on Sunday and Thursday, and
would have probably gone Tuesday morning, except we had a job. Wednesday I accompanied DM on a shopping trip to the mall- she needed me to keep her company. And today I went to the Yellow River Game Park with DM, Gwennan, Shauna,
Ian & Bevin. I couldn't pass up the offer to hang out with the girls, and Ian, of course.

It was a pretty cool park, with deer who were so tame they would walk into the middle of a group of 20 screaming school kids to eat. I guess the animals get used to the idea of noise and wildness and eating. The whole thing was very exciting for Gwennan, while Ian was a little less sure at first. Eventually, Ian figured out the whole feeding the animals idea and would retreive a carrot and bring to the animal of his choice, or in some cases, the animal who chose him.
There were black bears who lounged around with their mouths open trying to catch food if you should happen to throw it close enough. Some of them were apparently bottle fed, so they were very accustomed to humans. There was a de-skunked skunk (one of the animals I used to beg my parent to buy for me), there were peacocks, tons of goats, donkeys, cows, sheep, ducks, rabbits, roosters, hens, chicks, a cougar, geese, chipmunks and squirrels. I think of all of the animals, the squirrels were the most persistent. The goats probably would have beat them out, but most of them were behind fences.

And in the end, we all felt a little like Gwennan.


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