Dawn Dorathy

Strength For Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Wedding

Charles performed his first wedding this past weekend. When he was ordained he said he probably wouldn't do weddings or funerals, and in the last two months, he's spoken at one funeral and performed a wedding. He did a great job and put together a beautiful ceremony. It was a little weird for me at first (I've been to so many weddings as a photographer) to hear Charles starting the ceremony. It was almost like, what is he doing up there? But then after I adjusted, he did a really wonderful job.

At the reception we met a really great couple- "Pug" the husband, had been mayor of Roswell for 40 years, and Sandra runs the cultural center in Roswell. They were really great to talk to, and Sandra got some cuddle time in with Leif, who was a total sweetheart to her. Speaking of Leif, he did wonderfully. He fell asleep just before the bridal party entered the ceremony, and he slept through most of the live salsa band at the reception (until they started whooping, which really was loud).

First Kiss

Announcing as husband & wife

Beautiful Bride

Leif all dressed up in wedding attire- he was ridiculously cute.


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