Dawn Dorathy

Strength For Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bike Helmet

The baby just got his first bike helmet (for when he's in the bike trailer) and a new exersaucer. I shot a short video of him in his exersaucer trying on the helmet for the first time.


At 4:09 AM, Blogger Jennifer G said...

Hysterical! He is such a happy boy!

I think he should always wear the helmet when in the excercise saucer. I mean, you just never know what might happen and it's best to be on the safe side, right?!?

At 8:03 AM, Blogger sltslt said...

i am dieing laughing....ha ha ha! what we do to our kids, huh?

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Donna-Marie said...

So cute. I give that exersaucer a month before it's totally trashed. He's a helluva a jumper!

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

Seriously, and I've got the feet down so that it doesn't rock too much! Oh well, that's why you buy things used and cheap!


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