Dawn Dorathy

Strength For Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Leif Says Mama

Well, I'm way behind with posts, and still need to write about our trip to Vail, Colorado, but right now I'm in NJ visiting family. Leif and I came up for a little visit because I couldn't wait until Christmas to see everyone. So this weekend, Heather and I packed up Leif, Hailey and Ava and headed up to my Dad's house in the Adirondacks and met Dad and Patricia up there. It was quite the baby weekend, but it was a blast.
Yesterday as I was changing Leif's diaper, he started saying "Mama"! It's adorable, although he often says it when he's complaining, like tonight when I laid him down to sleep, he didn't cry he just said "Mama" about 50 times in a row sounding really sad. My heart! It's harder than when he screams! But it was sweet, he woke up from his nap saying "Mama" and I was like, "Mama's coming". Very sweet. Next we'll work on "Dadda".
So here's a video of us on our drive home from the Adirondacks today. It was time for Leif and Ava to eat and so we were looking for the next rest area to feed them. Leif was complaining to me and doing sit ups trying to get out of his car seat, and saying Mama quite a lot!


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Donna-Marie said...

How sweet! And look at how big Hailey is now! How did that happen?

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Jennifer G said...

Man. That looks like the back of the Johnson's van with all those kiddos. Too crazy! Bet your Dad was in heaven!


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