
We drove up to NJ for 2 weeks this September, to visit, to surf, to sail, and to photograph my step-sister Sheryl’s wedding.

It’s been a long time since we’ve driven up and it was actually quite enjoyable to drive together. My neice Hailey is 1 years old now and running everywhere, dancing, and saying a surprising amount of works for her age.

I thought that taking two weeks to travel to NJ would finally feel like a leisurely visit. But, since we took two days to drive up and two to drive back, and spent several days in south jersey, photographed a wedding one day, etc, it still felt like we had to rush around to visit with everyone we wanted to see. My mom, Nana, Charles and I got to walk on the boardwalk, Charles and I got to surf two days, my Dad and I got to go out by ourselves for a really nice lunch, we sailed with Charles' parents, and visited as much as we could with our family members. I'd love a week away each year with each of my family members in some relaxing environment just to appreciate them, well, and to get away to lots of relaxing environments each year. But, I'll take what I can get.
Sometimes I get the feeling that we've got life all wrong. I can't imagine that God created all of the amazing places in world for us to waste away our lives with our heads down grunting through the labor of each day. I guess it's a good thing to have more than death to look forward to. Eternity appreciating God and all of his creation and creativity.