July 4, we planned to climb Stone Mountain with Bevin and Zellyn and watch fireworks explode above us and below us from the mountain top. We went last year in the midst of lightning storms and God's light show was much better than the short set of fireworks that the mountain set off before canceling the main event. We did go to Stone Mountain, and it was a great evening and a great fireworks show, however, we were a little distracted.

That morning I had taken a preganancy test, and surprisingly it came up positive. At that point I had absolutely no symptoms, so I was pretty shocked. I carried the test down to show Charles (who had the day off from work) and he saw me holding it and said "we're pregnant, aren't we?" and I said "Happy Dependant's Day".

So now, I am 9 weeks pregnant. We've been to the doctor and got to see our little baby in an ultrasound, and watch his/her little heart beat. I'm tired and not sleeping well right now. But, for a few weeks I was pretty nauseous and most of that seems to be gone- pretty early, so I'm really thankful for that.
The first ultrasound has an arrow pointing at a little lighter area which is the baby's heart. The second ultrasound has little points where they measured the length of the baby.
Our due date is March 14, 2008.

Baby has already been surfing and mountain biking, although everything is done with a lot more caution these days, and a lot slower because I have less energy! This week we told the grandparents and rest of the family and most of our friends, which has been very fun and encouraging.