Dawn Dorathy

Strength For Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Friday, April 17, 2009

Family Photos by Sherry

Sherry Duckett came over for dinner last week and we ran outside and took a few family photos. I wanted a new photo for our website, and figured we'd get something in the few minutes we spent outside. In about 20 minutes, Sherry shot over 400 images, and they were amazing! Here are some of my favorites. Thanks Sherry!

And, I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't really work on an Easter picture this year. I mean, I'm a professional photographer, I own a BUNNY, and I have an adorable baby- what's my problem? I don't know. But, I did shoot a short bunny/baby session, and this is what I got. Cute, but not all that I was hoping it would be.