Exciting Day!

This morning I ran my first 5k. In fact, as far as I know, this is the first time in my life I've run over 3 miles. I've been training for a Sprint Triathlon for the last 8 weeks, but also I've started a new asthma treatment, which has really seemed to improve my ability. My lungs actually work when I push them! Charles has been encouraging me to try this treatment for years...glad I finally did!
Charles pushed Leif (and Curious George) in his jog stroller beside me.
The race went through beautiful Lullwater Park on Emory University Campus. It was beautiful, but hilly. I heard a man at the end say he ran it (3.2 miles) in the same time he usually runs 4 miles on a flat course.
We ran passed
the lake during the race and then looped around and finished with the lake in view.

Leif was sad that he couldn't go swimming in the lake with the geese, and tried several times to pull us into the water with him.
I placed 3rd in my age group and came home with a medal!

Then, in the afternoon, Leif and Charles were playing in his play yard, and Leif decided to let go and walk! Here are a few videos of him walking:
We shot a few more videos after church Sunday: