Well, I guess this was the summer of traveling for us. First California, and then Steamboat, Colorado. Charles' parents have a timeshare there and invited us to join them for a week. Charles immediately began

training to climb Steamboat Mountain on his mountain bike- climbing Kennesaw 4 times each visit, riding more and more each week.
On the other hand, I was climbing my own baby mountain. In my last post, I optimistically wrote that the nausea had gone away early. Well, that's the funny thing about being pregnant, you never know when you're going to feel what. The week before Steamboat (week 9 of my pregnancy) the worst wave of nausea hit. Charles said it was nerves about the upcoming trip. My friends who had bee

n pregnant before informed me that this sort of heavy nausea was normal and was a sign that the baby was doing really well. Hmm. Good for the baby.
So, while I would say Steamboat was very beautiful in the summer time, and Charles would say it was everything he had dreamed it could be, I really was just trying to make it day to day. I wished it was a few weeks later, when I knew my symptoms would start to pass, but it wasn't. Everyone was great and mostly adapted to my schedule. We'd go out for lunches and mostly ate dinners in the condo, because the eveni

ng was the hardest time of day for me.
I actually got to mountain bike three days, all very easy abbreviated rides compared to what I was doing in Georgia, but nevertheless very enjoyable. Between the pregnancy exhaustion and the altitude, I wasn't up for much. Charles on the other hand, mountain biked every day, sometimes early in the morning and then again in th

e afternoon with his dad and me. He climbed to the top of the chairlift the first day (2180 ft.) and then to the top of Mt. Werner twice (3472 ft). In 5 days, he climbed 11, 614 ft, over 60 miles of riding. He took most of the mountain pictures of the aspens and mountain flowers.
My favorite day in Steamboat was our last. We went out for a delicious lunch next to Steamboat river, and watched people tubing down. So, Charles, his dad and I decided to rent tubes and go for a ride. It's my new favorite pregnancy sport. You lay there and get cooled by the riv

er and warmed by the sun. It was an hour from the drop point to the pick up point and there were little rapids and slow sections- just so much fun. I enjoyed laying on my stomach watching the fish swim away from my shadow. If only the Chattahoochee wasn't so nasty, I'd want to go tubing all of the time.