For the first time in 2 years, we made it home for Christmas this year. We spent almost two weeks visiting with friends and family. For the first time in ages our time in New Jersey was actually relaxing. (boring if you ask Charles) Usually we're only up for a few days so we have a different person to see every few hours. This time, I actually read a book- it was luxurious! (I usually listen to books on tape while I work or drive) The only sad part about being gone so long was that we had to leave Gordy home alone for such a long time. We got back and he's been super affectionate.

I was totally spoiled because Christmas is of course the 25th, my baby shower was on the 27th, and my 29th birthday was on the 29th! So, I had several days of spoiling in a row. It was very nice! We drove home with a car mostly full of baby loot and the in-laws are driving down in March with several boxes that

we couldn't fit in the car! We all wore name tags at the baby shower because we were mixing families and friends who didn't know each other. I figured everyone should know who I was, so I gave my belly a name tag instead.

We spent Christmas Eve at my mom's house. Hailey, the only child for only a little longer was the star of the party. She is truly delightful. My Nana was able to come out of rehab to join us, and I think one dose of Hailey does more for her soul than all of her weeks of rehab combined. As a side note, she is now back at home,

walking mostly without her walker, and enjoying having her own space.

Christmas morning we went to Pete and Heather's. We found out that they are expecting another girl in May! It has been really fun being pregnant at the same time as Heather, especially visiting each other and laughing as our bellies grow!
Hailey helped everyone open presents and had Disney stickers for everyone- my Dad and Pete seemed to get a few more than most of us!

Christmas afternoon we spent at my Dad and Tricia's house. We all took turns putting on Christmas hats and getting our picture taken in front of the tree.

My favorite time with Hailey & Heather was the time we spent working on a project we got for Hailey for Christmas. It's a wooden sign with the letters of her name on it. Heather and I painted the sign, and the wooden flowers for the sides, and we let Hailey paint each of the letters of her name. She was very decisive- we'd say, what letter do you want to paint, and she'd pick a letter and we'd ask her what color she wanted it, and without hesitation, she'd ask for a color. Heather still had to finish painting each of the letters for her, but overall , for a 2 year old she did a really good job. It wasn't until the very last letter, when Heather and I were barely paying attention to her that she starting diverting from the original plan. We're painting quietly and she says, "Don't worry mommy, it washes off." So we look over to find that she is no longer painting her letter, she's painting her hand. I thought that phrase was so funny, I thought I'd try to catch her saying it on film, but as you will see our attempts to drag it out of her again were unsuccessful.
Play VideoCharles got some plastic surgery for Christmas...okay, not really for Christmas, but close enough. We were cleaning up from my baby shower and he smashed his forehead on the corner of the mantelpiece giving him a half inch split right above his eyebrow. We stopped the bleeding, so we both decided we'd just butterfly it together and Charles would just deal with a scar. We figured if we went to the emergency room we'd waste time and money and he'd end up with a scar anyway because they would just throw in a few stitches. So on my way to the store I called my mom because I was feeling guilty about the whole decision. As it turned out, Rich's good friend is a plastic surgeon. So Rich called him and on a Sunday morning this man opened up his office and stitched Charles up for no charge. Amazing right? We call it miraculous. The best part was that I asked to watch and he let me do the last stitch. Charles said when he realized what was going on his whole body got hot, and he says it was the only stitch that actually hurt. I guess I could believe it because I left the needle in longer than the doctor trying to figure out how to unlock the scissors and grab it on the other side. It was my first attempt at stitching skin, so I guess that's a good excuse. The Dr. said now that I knew how easy stitches were I could do that at home too. Charles said I missed my calling! I've since realized that a lot of the photoshop work I do is really similar to plastic surgery, or maybe I should say, is catered to the plastic surgery generation- no faults, no wrinkles, just perfection. As I've retouched my own face, I've often though, I wish I could photoshop in the morning instead of putting on my makeup- it's so much more precise.