Callaway Gardens

Leif naps every morning. Let me revise that statement...Leif is supposed to nap every morning. When we're home, he has it pretty much down. I put him in his crib around 9:30 and he usually sleeps until around 11:30 when he eats. When we're out and about, it's a different story. He takes little cat naps and then wakes up to observe the world. He's just at that age now- looking around is just too tempting, even if he's tired (or hungry for that matter).
So, we skipped church yesterday to go on a family outing to Callaway Gardens. I've lived in Georgia for almost 7 years now, Charles has lived here for about 17, and neither of us have bothered to take the trip to the Gardens. It is about a 2 hour drive, so we packed up and got in the car right around Leif's nap time, and I thought he'd knock right out and get his 2 hour morning nap in. However, I started getting suspicious that he was still awake back there, but couldn't see from the front seat. So instead of risking waking him up, I got the bright idea to shoot a video of him and then look at it to see if he was awake....this is what I saw:
I guess it would be a little surprising to be staring into space and have a video camera appear!
Our time at Callaway was pretty disappointing. It was drizzling when we got there, but we set up our bikes and put Leif in his all-weather bike trailer (it has a plastic cover for rain) and set out to ride the paved bike trail. The rain let up and the trail was beautiful and smooth. Well, at least that's how it started out.

We got back to the car and were about to walk the grounds and try to see some of the exhibits when we started hearing thunder and sirens. So, we packed up quickly and got into the car just in time for a massive thunder storm to roll through. I guess next time we will have to pay more attention to the weather forecast before we drive 4 hours for an outdoor adventure.